简介:The son of the infamous Dr. Orloff clashes with his father when he begins to stalk and dismember prostitutes in order to get parts to reanimate his de
简介:别名: Frauen f uuml;r Zellenblock 9 塞尔维亚的边境,一辆载着数名女囚的卡车正行驶在丛林之中。正在这时,一对全副武装的士兵将卡车截停,并带走了囚犯亚迪 middot;莫特、芭芭拉 middot;泰勒和押运官凯琳娜 middot;雷瓦。这一切的策划者是米尔顿博士霍华德 m
简介:A Whodunit from the great! The investigation into the suicide of a young woman found dead at the bottom of a cliff uncovers many lovers of both sexes,